Features & pricing

The Stb-tester HDMI Node is a hardware device that solves the very real problems of building & managing your own test equipment. It sits on your premises connected to your device-under-test, and you can control it from anywhere in the world using our secure web-based portal (we can also deliver a fully on-premises portal; contact sales@stb-tester.com for details).

We also offer custom solutions and professional services including test suites, test development, and test execution services. We are a boutique consultancy specialising in test automation for the set-top box, TV, and video-on-demand industries.

  Stb-tester HDMI Node Stb-tester HDMI Node Professional Services services.png
Pricing1 $355 / month Contact sales@stb-tester.com
  Billed annually.
Bulk discounts available for >10 devices.
Enterprise pricing available for 100+ devices.
License “All you can eat” — no licensing restrictions on number of users, devices under test, testcases, test runs, OCR operations, or anything else.  
Supported devices Apple TV, Roku, PS4, PS3, XBox One, XBox 360, Fire TV, or any Set-Top-Box with HDMI output and a supported remote-control mechanism (infrared, HDMI CEC, ADB, or HTTP).  
System requirements Users need a web browser and VS Code. The Stb‑tester Nodes require outbound network access to the portal (yourcompanyname.stb‑tester.com). 2  
Number of set-top boxes that can be tested at the same time 1 per node.  
Live video & audio from the device-under-test remotely in your web browser 3 Yes.  
Manual remote control from your web browser Yes.  
Write testcases using Python API Yes.  
Test any UI regardless of underlying technology (Qt, HTML, Flash, BrightScript, etc.) Yes.  
Detect specific images Yes.  
Detect motion or absence of motion Yes.  
Detect black screen Yes.  
Read text from the screen with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Yes.  
Custom image processing in Python Yes.  
Measure channel change time and other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Yes.  
Record a video of each test-run Yes.  
Use any third-party Python libraries or Linux command-line tools from your test scripts Yes.  
Easy to configure: Get up and running in a few minutes Yes.  
24x7 reliability Yes.  
Run tests from your web browser Yes.  
Compatible with Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X 4 Yes.  
Integrate with other systems using HTTP REST API Yes.  
Easily scale your test farm to many set-top boxes Yes.  
No systems administration required 5 Yes.  
HDMI input: Full HD, lossless video capture Yes.  
Resolution-independent image matching Yes.  
Priority Email support Yes.  
Test scripts included   Yes.
On-site or remote training, development & support   Yes.
Telephone support   Yes.
  1. Prices are in US Dollars. Prices exclude VAT/GST (if applicable) and shipping. 

  2. For more information about the Stb-tester Portal see Announcing the Stb-tester Cloud Platform. We can also deliver a fully on-premises portal for an additional fee; contact sales@stb-tester.com for details. 

  3. We stream live video from the device-under-test using WebRTC, which is a modern web standard for low-latency video. This works in any web browser, including smartphones & tablets. See a demo of the latency here

  4. The Stb-tester user interface is web-based – all you need is a modern web browser. 

  5. Our Stb-tester hardware & portal greatly simplifies the administration of your test farm. For large test farms this can save you one person-day every week, or more.

    All configuration is stored in your test-pack git repository, and is deployed throughout your test farm with a single “git push”. This includes any custom changes you want to make to your test-run environment, such as installing third-party Python libraries. You can test your configuration changes on a git branch before rolling out to all users, and you can roll back with ease.