Test-script development workflow
10 Apr 2018.
When you are developing new test scripts (or modifying existing ones) we recommend this workflow:

- Make your changes on a branch
- Test your branch
- Make a pull request
- Merge to master
Stb-tester helps you to follow best practices by making it easy to follow this workflow. It stops developers from stepping on each other’s toes, it fosters communication and peer review, and it ensures that all your changes are tracked and version-controlled.
Stb-tester will even run a static analysis of the code in your pull requests, automatically. This can catch common issues like syntax errors, some logic errors, and failure to comply with your team’s coding style.
For a detailed explanation see Development Workflow in the Stb-tester manual.
If your development team has an established workflow feel free to use that instead — but keep in mind that test-script development can benefit from a lighter-weight workflow than the workflows that are appropriate in other contexts.
Bonus tip: Debugging your test scripts can get tedious if you have to make a git commit for every change you want to test. stbt-rig is a command-line tool that can run your local code-changes on an Stb-tester node without having to make git commits or clicking in the web portal. Follow the link above for instructions.