
  • 03:56

    Introduction to Stb-tester

    Physical setup of the HDMI & infrared connections; using the web interface for manual control and running automated testcases; demonstration of an example testcase against a Roku set-top box; using the interactive results interface.

  • 02:22

    The Stb-tester Camera for TVs and mobile devices

    The stb-tester camera allows you to test devices that don’t have an HDMI output, such as TVs and mobile devices. In this video we demonstrate the automatic camera calibration and a test script that validates content playback.

  • 01:42

    Example test scripts

    In this short video we demonstrate three test scripts that know how to navigate a menu, a grid of players, and an on-screen keyboard. This demonstrates how you can use stb-tester’s Python API to build complex behaviours into your test scripts, in a clear and maintainable way.

  • 03:54

    Creating new testcases

    The stbt Python API; capturing screenshots from the device-under-test and adding them to your test-pack; using the git version-control tool to manage testcases and deploy them to your test farm.

  • 02:03

    Performance testing: Channel change time

    Measuring channel change time on a set-top box, then using Jupyter notebook and stb-tester’s REST API to explore the results interactively and generate a histogram of the measurements.

  • 05:38

    Creating a custom remote control image

    How to create a custom remote control image for Stb-tester’s “manual control” web interface, using Inkscape.

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See also our tutorials for test developers.